Saturday, September 4, 2010

America's Cup 1986-87 & Hurricane Earl

   The Australians returned home with the America's Cup as heros. The entire country was excited. It was a new game; the parameters of the necessary boats were now different. Heavy air boats were now necessary, very different than those that had been sailed in Newport for so many years. Dennis Connor created an unprecedented organization, five boats each an improvement on the previous. Dennis is rewarded with redemption; returning the Cup to the United States.
  I had no more involvement with the cup than any other citizen. Deeply involved in building Lirakis Safety Harness,along with three children,  hardly having time to put my head up.
  The twelve meter re-union will be held at Harbour Court September 16-19
       It is Labor Day weekend. Hurricane Earl is a memory. What happened to Earl anyway? For one week I had updates from so many sources indicating that Newport was in the target zone. We had hardly any rain and more wind the day after the storm.
The Stamford-Vineyard race will not leave Long Island Sound, being a shortened course.

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