Cody was founded by Buffalo Bill and the principle hotel the Irma is named after his daughter. It is a voyage into another world. Guns and Rodeo.
The competition was spread over 4 days and numerous events. Silhouette shooting standing, against time; Trap from the 27 yard line; Wobble Skeet; and Sporting Clays. Ultimately won by the home team, however not without memorable moments.
There was a tie in the Wobble Skeet event, which meant a shoot off. One of our team was up first. Standing in the center, for doubles, he put the gun behind his back and called for the targets, crushing them. If that didn't psyche out the competition, He did win that event overall.
After the formal event was completed there was a prize money competition which pitched me against my good friend Jimmy Gubelmann. We tied again and again. Finally as the sun was setting it was decided by the judges that Jimmy would shoot and I had to break a piece or Jimmy would be declared the winner. Jimmy called for the target and waited as long as he could before shooting it; leaving me no time. It was a hail mary shot. One of the only times I beat Jimmy shooting; but one of the most satisfying.
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