I tale worth telling. Two men I know, of whom I am very fond, have a tale to tell. They are in their 90's now. Their father from Pawtucket, RI. evidently was very talented at repairing textile looms. Before WWII he moved to France, to work in Lyon. His two sons attended public school. The war broke out. For those of you who are familiar with the history of that time in France, Phillippe Petain established the Vichy government, and fashioned an agreement with Germany. In exchange for two civilians, a prisoner of war would be released. The two boys were selected despite being american citizens. They were determined not to go. They enlisted in the french resistance, their american passports were destroyed, and they were given the identities of dead frenchmen, one being Emile Moisson.
When the war ended, they went to the American embassy wishing to return to Pawtucket. Naturally they were asked to produced proof of citizenship. It took another five years to get home.
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