It is snowing. I am waiting to shovel, burning off the calories of the holidays.
It seems Bernie Madoff is the poster child of the unraveling of the economy. perhaps even a candidate for man of the year, he is the manifest icon of what happened.
On to the purpose of my post: Ted Turner at the end of the 1974 America's Cup trials, In the photograph Ted has just been notified that "Mariner" the Britton Chance design has been eliminated from the trails. The syndicate tried everything even major surgery to the boat in the middle of the summer, all to no avail.The boat was just slow, finishing last in the consolation race, even losing to France 1, sailed by Baron Bic. I sailed aboard the boat for that race.
During the winter of 1973-74 while I was building "Courageous" at Minneford's in City Island; I took a class in tank testing at Stevens Institute in Hoboken taught by Peter Desaix. Peter, at the time was exuberant about the results produced by "Mariner" in the tank, claiming a breakthrough. He would later recant his claim realizing a flaw in the test data.
It was a bitter blow for all involved. The relationship between Ted and Brit soured,hence the poster circulated during the Southern Circuit. Ted felt betrayed by Dennis Connor, who had been his tactician, but recruited by "Courageous" as a starting helmsman. Brit Chance's career was put in jeopardy; although he recovered with his design of the one tonner "Resolute Salmon".
These events probably contributed to Ted's choice of "Courageoous" for 1977; a proven quantity. Not taking any chances. Surrounded by his "inner circle" those who stayed loyal to him.